TEEG and the Northeast community are integrally connected. The community gives to TEEG, and we give back in turn. As the past year has shown, the bonds of our mutual support are never more apparent, or needed, than in times of crisis and uncertainty. When I refer to the “community,” it is the collective sum of the individuals and groups who provide the power that moves TEEG through the year.
* You are the businesses that have given for many years, even in times of uncertainty, to provide financial support, volunteer services, expertise, and product that support our fundraisers and programs.
* You are individuals who want to help a neighbor with financial support, volunteer service, a donation of food for our pantry, and so much more.
* You are our board members, who give selflessly of your time, talent, treasure, and passionate support.
* You are local churches, schools, and service groups who organize fundraisers and run drives that support our community and youth programs.
* You are the community members who participate in and contribute to our fundraisers.
* You are the TEEG Ambassadors, who bid high at our Have a Heart Charity Auction.
* You are the funders who choose to support programs that reflect your missions.
* You are our clients who, after gratefully receiving a helping hand, want to pay it forward to others.
Without all of you, TEEG could not do the work we love to do. When the pandemic forced us all to lockdown in March, the community stepped up. Long time supporters, new donors, foundations, and helpful neighbors came forward to assure that we would continue to meet the need. Many gave what they could; some offered their stimulus checks. Volunteers called to see how they could help. A local farmer set up milk donations for local children. Restaurants provided meals for families through local lunch programs, and on and on. And when you gave more to TEEG, we adapted quickly to give back remotely.
Yes, the time we live in is uncertain. What lies ahead is unknown to all of us, but I can assure you that TEEG will be here, ready to serve, whatever the need. You can count on us to provide a warm welcome, a variety of solutions, and the opportunity to remove obstacles.
I hope, after reading through Testing our Strength, you will be inspired to join us.
** After viewing our report please make sure to view our Addendum page, which includes a complete list of our in-kind donors. We sincerely apologize for our omission in the report. ***