All Year Fun !
Applications are available at the TEEG office. Camp Scholarships are open to residents of Thompson, Woodstock, Pomfret and Putnam.
Completed applications must include four weeks of recent income documentation for all adult household members over the age of 18.
Camps include:
Salvation Army Camp CONNRI in Ashford, CT Audubon Society Day Camp in Pomfret, Thompson Adventure Day Camp in Thompson, YMCA Camp Cutler in Putnam, the Windham Tolland 4-H Camp in Pomfret, Koinonia in Thompson, and many more. Offerings of these scholarships are donation-dependent and granted on a first-come, first served basis. Scholarships are valid for one week of camp, however they may not cover the entire tuition cost.
For more information please contact our Youth Programs Manager at 860-923-3458