Get involved and participate in our community!
Community spirit is the heart of TEEG, and volunteerism is our soul. Our agency was born through the spirit of volunteerism. We are able to serve more clients than our staff can support with the help of our many volunteers who continually step up to lend a hand.
TEEG has been blessed with caring, generous individuals from Thompson and beyond who give freely of their time and talents to help us attain our mission. They provide mentoring support to our community youth, assist with food distribution to those less fortunate, prepare holiday meals, mow lawns, weed gardens, answer our phones, and support our office staff. We could not do it without our valued volunteers!
Are you ready to share your talents with TEEG? There are several ways to get involved! Start by talking with TEEG staff and tell us what you enjoy!
July 2024 volunteer newsletter
Volunteer individually, or as part of a team (family, company, work-family, community organization, school team). Here are a few ideas on how you can help…
- Organize a food, toy, or clothing drive
- Organize a fundraiser, or volunteer to work in one of our annual fundraising events
- Assist in the food programs
- Volunteer in our food markets
- Pick-up, process, and distribute donated food
- Make food deliveries to client homes
- Help with our Holiday Giving Distribution (Thanksgiving and Christmas)
- Volunteer in our senior & youth programs
- Grow our Community Garden
- Yard work and building maintenance
- Office work